Emerging Intracellular Electrical Phenomena: Implications for Paradigm Shifts in Biological Chemistry Research

Summary of the article  The human body depends on electrical charges for many biological processes, including brain activity and nerve impulses. Previously, it was believed that cellular membranes were necessary to create an electrical charge imbalance. However, recent research from Stanford University has shown that a similar electrical imbalance can exist between microdroplets of water and air. Now, researchers from Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around biological condensates, a type of cellular structure. These structures form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane. The researchers discovered that when environmental conditions are right, a previously unknown phenomenon occurs in these biological condensates, which creates a redox reaction that produces tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry and provide a clu

Liver and liver detoxification

 After a night of excessive drinking or a period of poor eating, it's common to hear people say they want to detox their liver. There are a variety of products on the market that guarantee you'll have a healthy liver in no time. However, how secure and reliable are liver detoxes?

The liver is the body's largest internal organ in the human body  located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, right kidney, and intestines. Shaped like a cone, the liver is a dark reddish-brown organ, weighing on average 3 pounds in an adult. Over 500 important processes are carried out by the human liver which makes it one of the most important organ in the body.

The liver produces bile to help in the breakdown and absorption of ingested lipids. Additionally, bile enables the digestion of vitamin K from dietary lipids. The liver also serves as our body's main blood filter, removing toxins, waste products, and other dangerous toxins from the bloodstream. The same vitamin K that is absorbed with the aid of bile is used by the liver to produce blood clotting factors. Extra glucose is removed from the bloodstream by the liver and stored as glycogen. When the body requires glucose, the glycogen can then be re-broken down by the process of glycogenolysis.

[ Bile:- A digestive fluid made by the liver and kept in the gallbladder. Digestive liquid backs up into the stomach and, in rare situations, the esophagus during bile reflux. Bile helps with digestion of the complex food particles. It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract]

Along with iron and copper, the liver also stores large amounts of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and B12. A protein called albumin, which is made by the liver, prevents circulatory fluids from seeping into surrounding tissues. Proteins, carbs, and lipids are metabolized by the liver so that the body can use them.

Liver detox 

A liver detox, cleanse, or flush is a course of action that makes your body toxin free, aid in weight loss and enhance your health. Detoxification of the liver can be done naturally by consuming the detoxifying diets which we will discuss later and nowadays there are artificial remedies which claims to detoxify liver in no time. But how true they are and how good they are for one's health??

Why liver detox is necessary? 

Saturated fat and refined carbohydrate-rich diets, including those found in processed meals and fast food, are bad for your liver and your body as a whole. If this is how you eat most of the time or if you have been overindulging in such foods for a short period of time, you may be a candidate for a detox.

The liver must process all the toxins you consume, so if you smoke, use drugs recreationally, drink alcohol in excess of the recommended daily amounts of one drink (12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or one shot of liquor) for women and two drinks per day for men, etc., you may be a candidate for a liver detox.

As mentioned before, the liver must digest all toxins that enter your body, even if they do so unknowingly. Consider the following: car exhaust containing carbon monoxide, pesticide exposure, paint fumes, solvent off-gassing from new autos, carpet, and furniture. Therefore, there may be a larger risk of exposure to environmental toxins depending on both the environment in which one lives and the occupation one chooses. For instance, whereas non-organic farmers may be exposed to pesticides at higher levels, residents of large cities may have more ambient exposure to carbon monoxide. Both could be successful liver detox patients.

The way your liver works is also influenced by your genetics, viral hepatitis B and C infection, and general health.

The relative safety of a liver detox mostly depends on the detox's composition and the subject's level of tolerance. The detoxes that enhance one or more of the "controllable" factors of nutrition, lifestyle, and environment are the most secure ones.

By replacing processed sugars and saturated fats with unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates, respectively, poor diets can be improved. This dietary change will be advanced by including fresh fruits, vegetables, green leafy plants, nuts, and other healthy foods. Garlic and turmeric are delicious flavor ingredients and healing spices that are simple to include in delicious dishes that turn food into medicine. Everything revolves around water. Water is essential for staying hydrated both during detoxing and in general. If necessary, add a touch of lemon or lime.

Essential elements of any detox effort include limiting alcohol use, quitting smoking, refraining from using illicit or recreational drugs, and avoiding dangerous behaviors like unprotected sex and intravenous drug use in order to prevent hepatitis infection. Another essential element of lifestyle adjustment is mobility, whether it be formal exercise or not. While you might not be able to significantly alter your job or living situation, you can take precautions to lessen your exposure to dangerous environmental chemicals by donning gloves, long sleeves, protective glasses, and other personal protective equipment as needed.

The aim should be to permanently implement these adjustments to nutrition, lifestyle, and surroundings, rather than only doing so sometimes or temporarily. That's okay too if it necessitates introducing them gradually in order to make them a routine.

The following are examples of signs of a sick or damaged liver:

-Jaundice, or a yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes brought on by high amounts of bilirubin, a waste product of the breakdown of red blood cells.

-Easy bruising caused by an issue with the blood clotting factors' production

-Edema, swelling, or fluid retention in the legs and/or ankles as a result of a problem with albumin production.

-Abdominal pain that is typically felt on the right side of the body, near the bottom of the rib cage, where the liver is in the majority of people.

-Itchy skin caused by an overabundance of bile salts under the skin.

-Lower-colored feces and/or urine than usual, respectively.

-Disorientation or confusion brought on by elevated blood ammonia levels that are subsequently carried to the brain and other organs.

The more subdued symptoms of liver disease may include chronic fatigue, memory and concentration problems, irregular sleep patterns, feeling bloated, losing appetite, more aches and pains than usual, and dry mouth and eyes.

How can you detox your liver at home?

Focus on little changes in nutrition, lifestyle, and surroundings rather than spending a lot of money on the newest and greatest juices, teas, and supplements, not all of which are good or safe.

There are also extra "toxins" to take into account, and while they might not directly impact your liver, they could nevertheless act as triggers for unhealthy habits like abusing alcohol as a coping method. What stresses you out? Typically, the solution fits into one or more of the following three categories: people, places, or things. Take any preventative measures that are available to lessen the impact of these factors.

Making a relationship inventory is connected to this. Create two columns on a sheet of paper: one for relationships that serve you, the other for relationships that don't. You must categorize each relationship you have in one of these columns. You'll be able to make better decisions if you approach this exercise with a honest perspective and have a deeper knowledge of the poisonous connections in your life.

Some other effective ways to detox liver are:-

One of the best ways to remove toxins from the body is to drink a lot of water. Water is a natural substance that cleans away all the waste and toxins from our body.

Toxin reduction is the fundamental idea of liver detox. Limiting alcohol consumption is essential for liver detoxification.

Her liver might remain healthy if she eats a balanced diet of wholesome foods without artificial additives. Some foods or components may aid in the recovery of the body's cells. Turmeric, lemon, and garlic all have these results.

selecting a range of foods

Utilizing a variety of food groups helps you get the vital vitamins and minerals your body needs to promote liver detoxification.

Lesser consumption of fatty foods would stop fatty liver disorders.

Many health advantages might result from avoiding table sugar. The function of the liver is enhanced by high blood sugar levels.

Controlling the stress level is crucial for regulating the body's cortisol levels. Stress management can lessen the liver's detrimental consequences.

Juice from the detoxification of the liver may enhance liver health. Beetroots have long been regarded as a natural liver cure because they stimulate the liver's enzymes and enhance bile production. Beetroot juice also has a ton of antioxidants, vitamin C, and iron that can help the body detoxify and protect the liver from inflammation.

Due to the essential oils in peppermint, which help with digestion and detox the body, peppermint tea is also used to flush out toxins from the body.

One of the most potent herbs used for ages in ayurvedic therapy is turmeric. One of the best methods for eliminating toxins from the body is by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric.

Symptoms of liver detox:-

1) Anxiety - During the initial stages of liver detox, anxiety symptoms manifest.

2) Headache - The body reacts by giving you headaches when you miss a long-term habit, such drinking alcohol while your liver is detoxing.

3) Confusion - The individual feels disoriented and has trouble focusing.

4) Fatigue - A day after the detox begins, fatigue sets in.

5) High blood pressure - The blood pressure rises because the person is under a lot of pressure.

6) Sleeping issues arise as a withdrawal symptom for those who are quitting alcohol or other substances.

7) Heart rate increases along with temperature and atmospheric pressure changes.

8) Nausea - It is well known that nausea and abdominal pain can happen when the liver is detoxifying from alcohol.

9) Diarrhea - Digestive symptoms like diarrhoea are frequent while the liver is detoxifying itself from toxins.

Side effects of liver detox:-

Nutrition may be lacking in liver cleaning diets.

Consuming foods that cleanse the liver does not give a balanced diet. Malnutrition can happen as a result of a lack of vital nutrients and result in deficiency illnesses.

Enemas may be detrimental.

Enema is frequently used to detoxify the liver but when performed incorrectly, it can be hazardous.

Liver cleanses can't take the place of medical care.

Other illnesses or co-morbidities are not treated because liver detox concentrates primarily on its main aim. Medical care can be used to treat this.


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