
Showing posts with the label Smoking is injurious to health

Emerging Intracellular Electrical Phenomena: Implications for Paradigm Shifts in Biological Chemistry Research

Summary of the article  The human body depends on electrical charges for many biological processes, including brain activity and nerve impulses. Previously, it was believed that cellular membranes were necessary to create an electrical charge imbalance. However, recent research from Stanford University has shown that a similar electrical imbalance can exist between microdroplets of water and air. Now, researchers from Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around biological condensates, a type of cellular structure. These structures form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane. The researchers discovered that when environmental conditions are right, a previously unknown phenomenon occurs in these biological condensates, which creates a redox reaction that produces tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry and provide a...

What smoking does to your heart?

Follow @OmEnigma    Smoking is the leading cause of deaths worldwide. The number of death caused by smoking alone is more than the total deaths caused HIV, illegal drug activity, alcohol intake, automobile injuries, and events involving firearms combined.  Smoking puts more than 7000 different chemicals into the body of which more than 250 are deadly and more than 60 can cause cancer. Some of these toxic chemicals includes carcinogens  (Acetaldehyde,Aromatic, amines,Arsenic,Benzene,Beryllium ,1,3–Butadiene etc.), Toxic metals(Arsenic, cadmium), Radioactive metals(lead, polonium) and certain poisons like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia compounds and nicotine. Inhalation of these harmful chemicals are capable enough to destroy any part of the body. Though most of the times smoking is linked with the damage of the lungs and it's the fact that smoking does most effect to the lungs but it's effects to the heart and entire cardiovascular system are even mor...

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