Emerging Intracellular Electrical Phenomena: Implications for Paradigm Shifts in Biological Chemistry Research

Summary of the article  The human body depends on electrical charges for many biological processes, including brain activity and nerve impulses. Previously, it was believed that cellular membranes were necessary to create an electrical charge imbalance. However, recent research from Stanford University has shown that a similar electrical imbalance can exist between microdroplets of water and air. Now, researchers from Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around biological condensates, a type of cellular structure. These structures form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane. The researchers discovered that when environmental conditions are right, a previously unknown phenomenon occurs in these biological condensates, which creates a redox reaction that produces tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry and provide a clu

How could the Russia-Ukraine war end ?


24th February 2022 , on this day Russia launched its military attack on Ukraine from the multiple directions. While NATO sent troops to its member states in the area, tens of thousands of Ukrainians fled their country and others turned to armed struggle against Russian troops. A number of sanctions were introduced by the EU, US, and allies. Since the invasion, fossil fuel prices have increased sharply, while the cost of basic foods like wheat is leaving millions of people in the Global South hungry. Here is an automated collection of articles about the conflict in Ukraine and its effects around the world.

24 weeks has passed since the war begun with about 70,000 to 80,000 casualties from the Ukraine side as per russian officials and around 50,000 deaths and injuries from the Russian side. Despite of these enormous casualties there no sign of ending of war from any of the side.

Why it's taking so long for the war to stop ?

1) Ultimate supply of modern weapons from Europe and America 

The terms of the end of war in Ukraine are directly influenced by the volume of weapons supplied. The majority of Ukrainians do not favor the rate of supply as it stands now. However, there is a noticeable increase in the number of weapon kinds. As a result, Ukraine's strength should approach parity with Russia in the fall.

Modern warfare involves high-tech, nearly human-resource-free conflict that is conducted virtually without interaction. Therefore, in order to surpass the offspring of the army modeled after the 1990s, Ukraine needs the components and weapons of the Western military school. "I don't like to foresee the future. But if we obtain the quantity of weaponry we were promised and require, I believe we will celebrate victory in the spring of next year," General Dmytro Marchenko said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine on August 10.

Additionally, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged European leaders to supply air defense systems, ratchet up sanctions on Russia, and provide security guarantees during the G7 summit on June 27 in order to halt the full-scale conflict by the end of 2022. The President's Office points out that the bare minimum plan is for Russian forces to return to their positions before February 24, at which point talks would begin. Autumn will bring about a variety of weather conditions that will make it more difficult to conduct hostilities, giving Ukraine the chance to gather resources for further liberation of seized territory. The Ukrainian military would be in a better position if it received the promised aircraft at the end of the autumn.

2) Russia failing to take over all Ukraine territories 

There is no way that Ukraine will take over Russia because of the colossal diverse territories of Russia but there is probability for Russia to take over Ukraine which is a way to end up the war. Ukraine with the large geographical area of 603,548 square kilometers and with the continuous weapon aid from the US and Europe, it seems impossible for Russia to take over Ukraine.

Conditions for ending the war ?

 Russia setting all Ukraine territories free

Serhiy Rakhmanin, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament's Committee on national security, defense, and intelligence, stated in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda on June 16 that "by the end of the year, a situation may arise where Putin will lose a huge number of people, a huge amount of equipment, economic sanctions will begin to apply to Putin, when resources will be significantly exhausted."

The chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Kyryll Budanov, stated that the conclusion of the war would be the "exit to the borders as of 1991," therefore this does not signify the end of the conflict. Oleksiy Reznikov, the minister of defense for Ukraine, has the same viewpoint. He notes that on the Kherson front, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already launched a counteroffensive and are freeing towns. The liberation of at least our territory is thus "an absolutely viable strategy, even from a military point of view."

The war in the south will be pointless if the Ukrainian army can liberate Melitopol, the key to the land corridor to Crimea, and retake Kherson, the only regional town controlled by the Russians. The Russian army won't be able to retreat to the administrative borders of Donetsk Region if any operation in Donetsk is stopped. However, other "players in the political arena" may also obstruct the emancipation of lands due to their geopolitical interests.

Experts in the West concur that the war's active phase cannot last forever. Additionally, the fight may become "frozen," similar to how the Korean War ended in the 1950s. "Aim for four to six months for it to happen. According to Admiral James Stavridis, the former head of NATO forces in Europe, "neither side can hold out for much longer," Business Insider reported on July 17.

Russia-Ukraine war is not only the problem of Russia and Ukraine or the Europe and Us , it's a global problem. This was has shown it's affects on every parts of the world as both Russia and Ukraine are the biggest exporters to the world. The sanction by European nations and USA  on Russia has made it even worse , it's causing crude oils and gas prices to hike unparalleled and the inflation is hitting the entire world and in this race of inflation US and European nations are not behind , rather they are leading the race. So to make everything come back to normal this war need to be stopped as soon as possible.

According to NATO, the conflict may last for a long time and, most likely, will terminate in negotiations between the parties. Additionally, it is considered unrealistic in the US for Kiev to expect the war to be over by the end of 2022. However, they do stress that they will aid Ukraine in bolstering its military. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims that Russia has switched to an attrition-based war. After all, Putin thinks that a protracted conflict will impede Ukraine's efforts to normalize relations with the EU and NATO and make it more challenging to rebuild the nation. Therefore, in order to withstand and finish hostilities on its own terms, Ukraine needs to get ready for a protracted battle.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, the British army's commander, also thinks the West needs to get ready for the conflict's growth. Sanders urged the British military to "be ready for fight again in Europe" on June 19, according to Sky News, in order to defeat the armies of the Russian despot.


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