Emerging Intracellular Electrical Phenomena: Implications for Paradigm Shifts in Biological Chemistry Research

Summary of the article  The human body depends on electrical charges for many biological processes, including brain activity and nerve impulses. Previously, it was believed that cellular membranes were necessary to create an electrical charge imbalance. However, recent research from Stanford University has shown that a similar electrical imbalance can exist between microdroplets of water and air. Now, researchers from Duke University have discovered that these types of electric fields also exist within and around biological condensates, a type of cellular structure. These structures form compartments inside the cell without needing the physical boundary of a membrane. The researchers discovered that when environmental conditions are right, a previously unknown phenomenon occurs in these biological condensates, which creates a redox reaction that produces tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This discovery could change the way researchers think about biological chemistry and provide a clu

World health statics 2022 :- WHO

 The COVID-19 pandemic, which is believed to have contributed to an additional 4.5 million fatalities in that year, was first reported in 2020, according to the World Health Organization's most recent comprehensive set of global health statistics.

The numbers show the extent to which the epidemic has been hurting health systems globally, drastically limiting access to some essential services in some instances. The advancements made in the first 20 years of the century in terms of both life expectancy and healthy life expectancy are expected to be reversed as a result of these disturbances.

Globally, the average age at birth rose from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years in 2019, and the average age at death rose from 58.3 years to 63.7 years for healthy people. Gains in maternal and child health as well as significant investments in and advancements in programs for communicable diseases like HIV, TB, and malaria were major contributors to this. However, the data from 2020 demonstrates how a rise in malaria and tuberculosis fatalities between 2019 and 2020 was a result of service interruptions.

Prior to the pandemic, there had also been positive global trends in the decrease of child stunting, alcohol and tobacco use, as well as in the expansion of access to managed drinking water, managed sanitation, basic hygiene, and managed clean fuels and cooking technology.

Between 2000 and 2019, the amount spent globally on health more than doubled to reach 9.8% of the global gross domestic product, which helped to back these advancements. But the majority (about 70%) of that spending, which came from government budgets, took place in high-income nations. Out-of-pocket expenses (44%) and foreign aid (29%) made up the majority of health spending in low-income nations.

In the last 20 years, service coverage has increased, yet catastrophic health spending has increased. The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to stop the progress gained in service coverage and further deteriorate financial protection globally given the present global economic downturn and health systems' struggles to offer continuity of health services. This is due to the fact that some individuals are completely unable to get care due to financial constraints. Additionally, among individuals who do seek out and receive services, there is a higher likelihood of financial difficulty due to out-of-pocket medical expenses than there was prior to the pandemic.

The effectiveness of the response to COVID-19 was slowed at the same time as routine care disruptions were brought on by a persistent failure to recognize the crucial role of primary health care and to adequately fund essential components like the health workforce. These disruptions now pose a further threat to countries' ability to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for health.

Mother article:- https://www.who.int/news/item/20-05-2022-world-health-statistics-2022


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